A Fool the Lord Used
Updated: Sep 7, 2023
"But God choose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are so that no one may boast before him.” 1 Corinthians 1:27-29
As I nervously stood behind the podium that day, over 60 pairs of eyes were looking straight at me. Subconsciously, I felt as though I was standing there naked as a spectacle for my audience to evaluate my every imperfection. Despite my incompetent feelings that day, I was amazed and bewildered that God choose me to minister and teach women how to be set free from the very insecurities I was battling.
From the world’s perspective, I was a “nobody” growing up. I was what First Corinthians calls a “fool”. Not only was I the new shy girl every time we moved, but I was frequently and unintentionally overlooked and ignored by my teachers and peers. Because I felt unworthy of anyone’s attention, I was often paralyzed with fear and gripped with self-condemnation everywhere I went.
It wasn’t until my 30’s that I began to partner with God through His Word to discover what it meant to be beautiful in Jesus Christ. Only then did I begin to be transformed from being a woman who could never be good enough to a beautiful woman who desperately depended on Jesus for her identity. This was the only reason I had the passion, ability, and willingness to be behind the podium that day.
It has been through these podium-types of experiences that I have learned what it means to a fool for God. When we are at the end of ourselves, we are at the beginning of God. As I stood there before my audience, I knew where I came from and what my inadequacies were. But I also knew my God and the radical changes He made in me. Being at the end of me gave God’s Spirit the opportunity to move in ways I would have never dreamed of. Because it wasn’t my might or my glory behind the podium, God’s glory had room to work through my words and to the hearts of those listening. Even though my old wounded heart wanted to remind me of potential rejection and my imperfections, my new healed heart told me to get over myself because other women needed to hear how God could change them the same way He had changed me. It was at that point I realized being a fool for God means to live in the freedom of His truth, not in the “truth” and opinions of what other’s might think.
Think about all the “foolish” people God used throughout the Bible. Jesus chose a despised tax collector and common fishermen to be some of His disciples. When Paul ministered to the church in Corinth, he reminded them where they came from: “Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth.” (1 Corinthians 1:26) Even Jesus, the Son of God, was considered a fool to many. Not only was He mocked while hanging on the cross (Matthew 27:42-43), but Jesus was also considered stricken by God to many of the religious leaders (Isaiah 53:4). Yet, we know that Jesus was pleased and satisfied in doing God’s will, for He justified many through His obedience.
Just like Jesus and His disciples, God may ask us to do things that will not make sense to us or the world. But when His passion has become our passion, we can’t help but be fools for God. This is a true sign that you are living in the freedom of His truth. What evidences do you have that indicate you are living in His freedom? What ways are you willing to be a fool for God?
* Are you willing to participate in a Bible study even though you may not know anyone there?
* Have you ever forgiven and prayed for someone who hurt you?
* Are you willing to share your testimony with someone you love even though they may reject you?
* When is the last time you responded in kindness when someone criticized or cut you with harsh words?
* Are you willing to fight for your marriage even though your “friends” and circumstances tell you to divorce?
These are just a few examples of how we can honor God as we step in faith, not letting what we and others think get in the way of what God is stirring us to do. If being a fool for God is something you struggle with, I want to encourage you with my latest book, Seeing Yourself in the Mirror of Truth. Not only do I share my own personal struggles, but I also explain how to cooperate with God so He can begin making you beautiful from the inside-out.
Until we stop looking in the mirrors of others’ opinions and our own presumptuous thoughts, we will never discover who God intended us to be and what He wants to accomplish through us. Just like we have to partner with a mirror each morning to polish our appearance, we have to partner with God, through His Word, to see and remove those things holding us back. How will you begin looking to God through His Word? What way(s) are you willing to be a fool for Him?